Campus community policing reinvented with the Trikke Positron and Defender.
Schools of higher learning are getting smarter about transportation mobility for their police departments. Case in point: the number of colleges and universities now deploying security Trikkes. From Berkeley to Yale, the electric-powered, three-wheel personal mobility vehicles known as the Trikke Positron and Trikke Defender are rolling along campus corridors, providing a more efficient way to keep students, faculty, staff and visitors safe and secure within their college community.
“With a Trikke, you’re just cruising right through the environment and covering a lot more area with a lot less energy,” says Captain James Smith, Jr., of the Dallas College, El Centro Campus Police Department in an article for Police1.
Located in downtown Dallas, the El Centro Campus is the prime example of a sprawling campus, with many buildings spread over several, non-contiguous city blocks and interspersed with non-collegial structures and life. Perhaps that explains why the department cites the Trikke’s speed and agility among the many benefits gained from deploying a dozen Positrons.
“Our mobility on the Trikkes makes us a lot more mobile and our response a lot faster,” says Captain Smith. While the police departments at universities such as Duke, Tulane and Xavier have acquired the Positron, some colleges — such as Texas A&M and Pensacola Christian Academy — have opted for the Defender. Either way, with either vehicle, more and more colleges are making the grade and switching over to Trikkes, and Gildo Beleski, Trikke CEO, thinks he knows why:
“College campuses offer a unique challenge with a combination of terrains to navigate: parking lots, streets, lawns, sidewalks, walking paths, unpaved trails, indoors,” says Beleski. “With personal mobility vehicles, it’s possible to rush directly to the scene without facing the hurdles and obstacles police cars face, like street access, traffic, and parking.”
Miami Dade College
LSU Health
Texas A&M
Washington Univ.-St. Louis
Dallas College
Captain James Smith, Jr. of Dallas College
Earning the vehicles extra credit: security Trikkes are striking and inviting when it comes to appearance, making campus community engagement easier for the officers riding tall on their three-wheel platform.
“It’s a good PR tool,” says Captain Smith. “A lot of people are curious and will say, ‘It looks cool – can you gimme a ride?’ or they’ll ask, ‘What is this device, and what are you doing, and how does it work?” People will even ask for pictures with the officers on their Trikkes, which Smith will accommodate – with appropriate restrictions and safety measures, of course.
Security Trikkes: making a big difference and good impression at whatever college they attend. Go here to learn more about Trikke Electric Patrol Vehicles, or go here to schedule a demo.
List of U.S. college and university police and security departments using the Trikke Positron or Defender:
- Univ. of California, Berkeley
- Univ. of California, San Francisco
- Clark Atlanta University
- Dallas College
- Duke University
- Georgia State University
- Georgia Tech University
- LSUHSC New Orleans
- Miami Dade College
- Norfolk State University
- North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
- Univ. of North Texas, Dallas
- Pensacola Christian Academy
- Ringling College
- Savannah State University
- Solano Community College
- Texas A&M
- Tulane University
- University of Virginia
- Washington University, St Louis
- Xavier University
- Yale University
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